
Password Reset

This article applies if:

  • You have previously registered on Swearnet (web or app) using your email 
  • You have forgotten your password
  • You know you password but want to change it

Note that SwearNet allows you to authenticate with the same email and password on all platforms. Your email/password in the app is the same as your account.

If you're on a web browser:

  1. Click the SIGN IN button upper left corner of
  2. Click the Forgot your password? link at the bottom of that Sign In page
  3. Enter your email address in the email field
  4. Click the Send me reset password instructions button
  5. Continue from "Step 5" below

If you're in the app:

  1. Tap Settings in the lower right corner of the app, then tap SIGN IN
  2. Tap forgot my password link just above the SIGN-IN button
  3. Enter your email address in the email field
  4. Tap the RESET PASSWORD button
  5. If your email is recognized, you should receive an email within a few minutes. If we can't find your email in our system, you will obviously NOT get an email. Check your junk and spam folders, it may be in there.
  6. Click the special link in the email you just received to pick a new password.  (note that if you happen to receive multiple emails, only the most recent email's special link will work).
  7. Fill out the form with the password and confirm fields matching, and click submit
  8. You'll be signed into the website. You can use the same email and password in the app.




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