
I want to apply my in-app purchase to my website membership

This article may apply to you, if:

  • You purchased in-app without first having signed in
  • You're already registered on via an email and password
  • You want to apply the in-app purchase to your membership
  • (optional) In the profile, you see a "fake" email: 

Here's what to do:

  1. Tap the Settings icon in the lower right corner of the app.
  2. Near the bottom of the Settings screen, tap on the red Sign-out text, located immediately above Terms and Conditions.
  3. Sign into the app with your account
  4. Tap the Settings icon, then tap the Restore Purchases button. If you are taken to the Digital Store screen and see a second Restore Purchases, click on that Restore Purchases button as well.
  5.  On Apple, you should see a Purchases Restored message. On Android, a similar message will be displayed.

  6. Tap the Settings icon to verify your membership status is complete and correct.

  7. You should now be able to watch membership content.


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