
Cancel Subscription

All Swearnet subscriptions can be cancelled directly by you, the end user, typically without assistance from Swearnet technical support.

Subscription cancellation instructions vary depending on the payment service. Payment services currently include: Stripe, PayPal, Apple iTunes, Google Play or Roku.

If you know the payment provider your subscription is with, simply use one of the links above for further instructions of how to cancel.

If the payment provider is unknown, please complete the following steps:

Step 1: Sign into and select PAYMENTS from the main menu, or use the direct link Once signed in, please proceed to Step 2.

If you are unable to sign in, you can use the "Forgot your password?" link at the bottom of the sign in page. If you're still having problems (unable to sign in), please contact Swearnet technical support with as much detail as possible.


Step 2: On the PAYMENTS page, you will find your membership status followed by subscriptions and payments.

If your subscription is with Stripe or PayPal, you will find a section "Subscriptions and Automatic Payments" followed by information about your Stripe or PayPal subscription. Please continue to Step 3.

If your subscription is with Apple iTunes, Google Play or Roku: these subscriptions will not appear at the top of the PAYMENTS page, but you'll likely find payment history under "Order History" lower in the page. To cancel your subscription, please select the appropriate link: Apple iTunes, Google Play or Roku.


Step 3: TO CANCEL A STRIPE SUBSCRIPTION: Simply use the "Cancel subscription" button found under your Stripe subscription and follow instructions. See example screenshot at the end of this article.

TO CANCEL A PAYPAL SUBSCRIPTION: Ultimately, you will have to sign into PayPal to cancel. A "Review: Update or Cancel" button will be offered to take you to PayPal. See example screenshot at the end of this arricle.


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